Happy Festivities!

Excuse the resolution (*pinched from the internet alert!!) but we wanted to share this image with you to send you all our very best wishes for the festive season. (especially the last two points!)

A huge thank you to everyone that has helped and supported us throughout 2012 and raise your glasses to a fun and fantastic 2013!

Lots of love

The Shine Team xxxxxx

christmas mantra

Our Latest Infographic!

shine infographic_highres 2Well, you may have seen the draft already but here is our latest infographic showing the impact of cancer when you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s.

We hosted an online survey in 2012 and were surprised by some of the results – take a look and see if any of it surprises you…

If you are in your 20s, 3os or 40s and have had a diagnosis of cancer (at any age) then you can still complete our online survey here – http://www.surveymonkey.com/youngadultcancersurvivors

To see a larger version, just click the image to go to our small c micro-site.

Small c Steering Group


The small c steering group met up on Saturday 17th November to continue planning the exciting multi-day escape for younger adults living with cancer.
The meeting focussed on the content of the escape and how we are going to be able to raise enough money for it to happen!

Having worked on the detail of the content, we are really excited about how much of an impact this event will have on peoples lives.

Our survey proved that there are lots of areas where support is lacking for people dealing with cancer in their 20s, 30s and 40s and we are developing ways to address those gaps during the escape.

So keep an eye on our blog and website to see how you can help us make it happen!

The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative Conference 16 Nov 2012

Emma attended the conference hosted by the NCSI (National Cancer Survivorship Initiative) in London.

The NCSI is a partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support, The Department of Health and NHS Improvement. Their website says:

‘The aim of the NCSI is to ensure that those living with and beyond cancer get the care and support they need to lead as healthy and active a life as possible, for as long as possible.’


The conference was a great chance to meet up with other health advocates alongside catching up with the work and aims of the NCSI.

There were presentations from Ciaran Devane, Chief Exec of Macmillan and a chance to ask questions of both Ciaran and Prof Sir Mike Richards, National Clinical Director for cancer and end of life care.

Emma said ‘ The workshops and presentations were interesting in that we learnt about projects that are ongoing and the impact they can have on patients, however it wasn’t clear to me how these recommendations and findings are rolled out across the UK. It is encouraging that there appears to be a lot of work under way focussed on ‘survivorship’ and it is vital that this work is spread out to people who really need it…. patients across the UK.  I believe our role as patient advocates is to encourage that to happen’

To find out more about the role and work of the NCSI, take a look at their website: http://www.ncsi.org.uk/